Kokanee Education Day
Kokanee Education Day
Kokanee Education Day 2024 was brimming with sunshine, celebration, and service at Confluence Park. This year, the event was able to host 100 students in 4 classes from Elizabeth Blackwell Elementary School in Sammamish. The students explored a variety of topics among the stations including lake habitats, fish passage, anatomy, reciprocity, tribal connections, and more. It was heartening to see these students walk away with a sense of responsibility, pride, and excitement about the Kokanee.
The event is hosted annually by the Kokanee Work Group, comprised of a suite of local entities that are committed to the recovery of this magnificent species. This engaging and creative day for youth was designed to highlight stewardship of kokanee in the Lake Sammamish Watershed, increase awareness of actions residents and youth can take to support existing recovery efforts in their community, and celebrate new and ongoing contributions of the community and stakeholders toward the recovery of Lake Sammamish Kokanee. The organizations represented as stations and organizers include King County, Washington State Parks, Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust, Lake Sammamish Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership, Wolf Camp, FISH, US Fish & Wildlife, Trout Unlimited, Snoqualmie Indian Tribe, and the City of Sammamish. Huge thanks to Larry, Grace, Zeta, Mary-Beth, and Jenifer for their help!