Hatchery Tours, STEM fairs & more …

We are delighted to be able to hold Winter/Spring guided tours starting the week of February 2 through May 30  — three whole months of tours!

Tours last 45 minutes and feature many of the hatcheries educational spots, are $10 a person as a donation to FISH and should be booked, at least 2 weeks before your desired tour date. To book, please contact us.  School Tours ($5 per person) can be scheduled at least 2 weeks before the tour date.

FISH would love to be a part of your school’s science fair or community event! 

We welcome the opportunity to share our fascination about salmon with the public. A FISH staff member will bring a salmon to dissect to show the internal anatomy of a salmon. We will also provide several hands-on display items, for students and families to investigate. Fill out the form here.

Here’s to a great year full of cool, flowing water, eggs, alevins, frys, fingerlings, smolts and returning adults! Keep ’em coming home!

The Original FISH guide

Saving the Hatchery Around the Corner

The Original FISH guide