Live Salmon Cam Feed!
Smile for the Camera: http://Keep the Salmon Coming Home (
The Issaquah Salmon Hatchery, built in 1937 and operated by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, has long been the most visited hatchery in Washington State. The hatchery raises both Chinook and coho salmon, which are released at a young age to spend the majority of their lives in nature. The hatchery is open 365 days of the the year to visitors. Not everyone has the ability to visit the hatchery to view the return of the adults of these magnificent salmon each fall during their spawning migration. SalmonCam is the solution to this problem; live streaming is now available of adult salmon attempting to jump the weir.
Friends of the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery (FISH) thanks the King County Flood Control District, the Watershed Resource Inventory Area 8 (WRIA 8, which encompasses the Cedar River, Issaquah Creek, and Bear Creek), and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Watchable Wildlife program for the grants that make this service available. FISH also extends gratitude to volunteer Larry Franks who was instrumental in starting the Salmon Cam and consistently maintains it for our viewing pleasure.