What’s Happening at the Hatchery: Flood Report
Flood Recap:
In early February, following heavy rainfall, we experienced a record flow in Issaquah Creek of 2,400 cubic feet per second which resulted in:
- Flood waters inundating the hatchery, and
- Piles of silt on the hatchery grounds, resulting in a huge cleanup problem.
Hatchery production remained safe but we came within 4 inches of floodwaters overtopping the raceways. Moreover, it was not good news for the naturally spawning coho, chinook, and, especially, native kokanee, who were most likely lost downstream.
Thanks to the heroic efforts of Washington Department of Fish and Game staff and FISH volunteers, however, the hatchery has recovered and our fish charges are safe. We are grateful to everyone who pitched in and are once again humbled by what nature can bring.