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Book a Science Fair

Friends of the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery (FISH) welcomes the opportunity to share our fascination about salmon and sustainability at your upcoming science fair or community event. A FISH staff member will bring the requested demonstration along with other investigative tools so families can explore the journey of salmon. Our hands-on demonstrations introduce students to life science, environmental issues, and sustainability to spark curiosity and wonder about these majestic fish. We have two exciting offerings for your science fair entertainment! You are welcome to choose one or both as you see fit. All science fairs include a microscope demonstration, early life stage vials and up to date information about hatchery happenings.


Get up close and personal with a coho salmon! This is a unique opportunity to see a salmon in its spawning phase and explore all of the physiological changes that come with it. Learn about the external and internal anatomy and discover just how much you might have in common with these incredible creatures.


Explore the way that humans impact our local watersheds through an investigative demonstration. The Enviroscape® is designed to break down the main contributors to water pollution and how they affect the ecosystem we live in. The model additionally creates space for students to explore management practices to prevent this pollution from occurring.

  • Our presentations are available for events up to 3 hours long. If your event is longer, please contact us.
