FISHop Gift Shop – December Hours
The FISHop Gift Shop will be open in December by appointment only. Shop for hatchery souvenir, ornaments, gear, Native and local artist wares & clothing. Email: to book an appointment.
The FISHop Gift Shop will be open in December by appointment only. Shop for hatchery souvenir, ornaments, gear, Native and local artist wares & clothing. Email: to book an appointment.
Coho Spawned: 928 Trapped: 5075 Eggs taken: 1,082,000 Adults Released upstream: 2193 Adults Released into Coal Creek: 1434
Chinook Estimated through fish passage: 18,500 (10 year average 10,500 / 5 year average 14,000) Spawned: 1,756 Trapped: 7,800 Eggs taken: 3,560,500 Released upstream: 163 So far, 729 Coho fish released upstream. And 1 sockeye sighted!